Tuesday, September 30, 2008

For Immediate Release

Mount Penn Elementary Center and WalkBikeBerks host
International Walk to School Day, October 8, 2008 at 7:45 a.m.
Redner's Warehouse Market
801 Carsonia Avenue
Reading, PA 19606-1201
Michele Bleacher, Assistant Principal
2310 Cumberland Avenue,
Reading Pa, 19606
Phone: 610-779-3547
Fax: 610-779-6937


Michele Barrett, Board President
PO Box 6795,
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Phone: (610) 779-9702

Mount Penn, PA – Mount Penn Elementary Center and WalkBikeBerks will be joining schools from around the world to celebrate International Walk to School Day on October 8, 2008. More than 400 students are invited to walk to school along with parents, teachers and community leaders. Congressman Gerlach, Senator O’Pake, Representative Santoni, Mayor Nowotarski, Chief of Police Anthony Garipoli, Sr., Redner’s Spokesperson Eric White, Principal Kerry Hoffman, Executive Board Members of WalkBikeBerks, and the Excellent Teaching Staff of the Elementary Center have committed to walking with us. The event will begin at 7:45 a.m. with kids, parents and community leaders walking from Redner’s Warehouse Markets. Walkers will arrive at the school by 8:30.

In the U.S., International Walk to School Day is expected to include 5,000 schools from all 50 states. Walkers from the U.S. will join children and adults in 40 countries around the world. Walk to School events work to create safer routes for walking and bicycling and emphasize the importance of issues such as increasing physical activity among children, pedestrian safety, traffic congestion, concern for the environment and building connections between families, schools and the broader community.
“One of our goals at Mt. Penn Elementary Center is to support the wellness of our students, staff and community. We are excited to participate in an international event that encourages healthy choices. We plan to continue our efforts this year by encouraging and educating our students about pedestrian safety within our daily curriculum and programming,” reports Michele Bleacher, Assistant Principal at Mount Penn.
The event is being organized by WalkBikeBerks. WalkBikeBerks works to promote Safe Routes to School and Complete Streets county-wide. Please join us as we make walking and bicycling practical, convenient, and safe in Berks County, Pennsylvania.
Allison Topper, the executive director of Pennsylvania Advocates for Nutrition & Activity (PANA) , explains, “physical activity of any kind is great for kids, but walking or biking to school is a wonderful opportunity for parents and kids to spend quality time together and promote a healthier lifestyle for the whole family.”
PANA is a statewide coalition of various public and private partners working with schools and communities to promote healthy eating and active living. Walk to School Day is funded in part by PennDOT.
For additional information, please visit these Web sites:
PANA Safe Routes to School Academy http://www.srtsacademy.org/.
WalkBikeBerks http://walkbikeberks.blogspot.com/
International Walk to School in the USA http://www.walktoschool.org/
National Center for Safe Routes to School http://www.saferoutesinfo.org/

# # #

Donations Needed

We are working hard to spread our message and gain new membership. To do this, we will be printing brochures to mail and display in local businesses. Each Board Member has contributed their own funds to make this possible, yet we still need your help. Consider donating $10, $15, or $25.00 today to enable us to promote walking and bicycling in Berks County.

We sought bids from eight different local printing companies, as well as from large chain businesses, and we have found the lowest cost, by far. We can purchase 500 copies of a tri-fold, full color brochure for $280.00.

If just 11 donors gift $25.00 each -- we will be able to continue the work we've begun. To learn more about what we have accomplished: please some time to browse this blog. With very little funding, we've done some fantastic work towards promoting and improving cycling and walking in our communities. Please help us grow and educate others with your financial gift today. We cannot be successful county-wide without your help.


BIKES on BARTA -- Announced TODAY!

Bike racks will be installed on five Reading buses
From our news staff
In the next few months, some BARTA users will be able to take public transportation and ride their bikes. BARTA is installing bike racks on five of its buses, which will allow riders to store their bikes while traveling. The racks are similar to ones on buses in larger cities such as Philadelphia. Each rack holds two bikes.BARTA is spending $3,200 to buy and install the racks.

To read the full Reading Eagle Article, go to: http://www.readingeagle.com/article.aspx?id=107887.

What else are we doing? INTERNATIONAL WALK TO SCHOOL DAY -- October 8, 2008

Next Wednesday, several leaders will join us to Walk to School with Mount Penn Elementary Center as we promote Safe Routes to School, including:

Senator O'Pake
Congressman Gerlach
Commissioner Leinbach
Representative Santoni
Mayor Nowotarski

Monday, September 29, 2008


Emily Weidner and Bob Hospidor, Executive Board Members of WalkBikeBerks, met with Executive Director Mr. Dennis Louwerse several weeks ago to discuss the possibility of installing bike racks on some of BARTA's buses.

We were pleased to hear that Mr. Louwerse is planning to suggest that BARTA purchase a number of bike racks to test out on a trial basis. Using BARTA's Route Listing map, a number of members of WBB reviewed the routes and selected nine that they felt might be appropriate. They are: Routes 1; 2; 8; 9; 11; 15; 17; 20 and 21.

We appreciate the progressive attitude of BARTA and look forward to assisting them in any way we can. To share your own support of BIKES on BARTA, contact:

1700 North Eleventh Street
Reading, PA 19604
E-mail: barta@bartabus.com
Bus Info#: 610-921-0601
Special Services#: 610-921-2361

Why not ride today? If you travel to work on the bus, why not ask your employer about providing bus travel incentives for all employees who use BARTA? BARTA can develop a customized PASS program as easy as 1.2.3.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Walk to School Day 2008

For a list of schools participating in Walk to School Day 2008, visit PANA's list at:

http://www.srtsacademy.org/walk-to-school/documents/2008_Participating_Pennsylvania_Schools.pdf. **

I'm thrilled to see that my local community is participating. If you would like to support the local effort, or to learn more, please contact:
Robin Zook, Exeter Twp JHS, Exeter Township SD Reading 610‐779‐3320


** The website will be updated sometime this week to include Mount Penn Elementary Center.

PennDOT Update

Update – August 19th, 2008
Pennsylvania’s first Federal Safe Routes to School infrastructure funding round has closed. During our first application cycle, 98 applications were received from around the Commonwealth, requesting $56 million in federal funding. Currently, we are working with our Districts, MPOs, RPOs, and our project selection committee to review all applications and begin the process of project selection. Winners will be announced on this page in October, but the date has not yet been determined. Please check back often for updates.

I'm sharing this with you now because finding this information on the PennDOT website is nearly impossible. If you want to find the most up-to-date information, access PANA's Safe Routes to School Academy website and use the links available there.

Thunderhead Alliance for Bicycling and Walking Retreat 2008

Nancy is in red with a blue and white sweater in the second row, third from the left.
I am in green in the third row, center, next to Scott Bricker (brown) from Bike Pittsburgh.
Hans van Naersen, League of American Bicyclists, is wearing blue, front row second from right.
John Boyle appears to be hiding in the back row, but we can still see you, John!
Pennsylvania was well represented on Bainbridge Island this past year. Even more folks attended ProWalk/ProBike the following week.
I had the greatest time learning from all of the many leaders around our nation and from Canada. Stephanie Potts (Complete Streets, Transportation for America, and Smart Growth America) was a truly delightful roommate...and I am so pleased to have met her. The work she is doing is driving the mission of WalkBikeBerks and other Thunderhead Alliance organizations nationally. Thanks Stephanie!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mount Penn Elementary Center is gearing up for a spectacular kick off for their Safe Routes to School Program this year. With a grant from PANA, Mount Penn is able to spend $2,500.00 this year and another $2,500.00 next year educating, encouraging, and evaluating their Walk to School Program.
On October 8, 2008, Mount Penn students, teachers, and families will meet up with WalkBikeBerks at Redner's Market Warehouse on Carsonia Avenue to walk to school with some very special guests.
Congressman Jim Gerlach
Christian Y. Leinbach, Commissioner
Representative Danti Santoni
Mayor Joshua Nowotarski
Eric B. White, Consumer Communications Specialist, Redner's Markets, Inc.
Kerry C. Hoffman, Principal
Michele Bleacher, Assistant Principal
WalkBikeBerks Executive Board Members
The Exceptional Teaching Staff of the Mount Penn Elementary School
But why walk to school?
To enhance the health of kids Increased physical activity can combat a host of health problems facing kids today.
To improve air quality and the environment Replacing car trips to school with walking or bicycling can help reduce air pollution.
To create safer routes for walking and bicycling Sidewalks, education programs and traffic calming measures are some of the ways to improve conditions.
We are organizing a Walking School Bus...where adults lead children on a planned route -- a route the has been walked and mapped for it's safety, timed for its distance, and evaluated by our cooperating law enforcement officer. Children will meet us at designated "bus stops" and we'll all walk together towards school ... and away from:
Related Health Problems such as Asthma and Type II Diabetes
Traffic Congestion
Emissions and Air Pollution
High gasoline costs
To learn more about Walk To School Day and how you can host your own event, visit http://www.walktoschool-usa.org/why/index.cfm.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Last Friday, WalkBikeBerks members Jennifer Molfetta, Barbara Rowley, Ben Levengood, Bob Hospidor and Kathleen Hospidor took part in Riverplace's United Way Days of Caring-sponsored improvement of the Bertolet Dock area off of the Schuykill River Trail in West Reading.
The group of roughly 20 volunteers began by cleaning up litter and removing brush from the trail-to-be. Next, Jennifer, who has extensive trail-building experience, led the creation of a 100-foot trail leading to the river. The finishing touch was some lovely stone seating created by Jennifer, with help from several other volunteers. The seating affords a lovely view of the river as well as of Reading. The volunteers were so energetic that the project was finished half an hour early!
Other volunteers painted the railing and landscaped the area around the walkway leading to the dock. Everyone seemed to enjoy working on the project, and hopefully there will be more opportunities for WalkBikeBerks to lend its assistance and expertise for making trail improvements.
This week Met-Ed is scheduled to remove some trees that were too large for our volunteers to handle; after that the view will be even better, so be sure to check out the results!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I want to be able to walk out of my front door with my children and walk to the park. I want to open my garage door, strap my helmet and ride to the trail -- safely, with my five-year old daughter in tow on her tag-along bicycle. I want to be able to meet my friends for a walk through our neighborhood. I want to leave my car in my driveway when I walk one block for a haircut. I want my children to stand in safe zone, specific for pedestrians, while they wait for the school bus. More so, I'd love to be able to walk with them to school.

Some of you have dogs -- and would love to be able to walk your dog in your own neighborhood. More of you are finding a real need to bicycle and walk more often as the prices of groceries and gasoline are squeezing already tight budgets in an uncertain, and threatening economy.

Well, in Exeter Township we might soon begin to improve walkability and bikability. If you'd like to be part of the conversation, please email walkbikeberks [at] yahoo.com with your comments and we'll take them to the table with us on October 20.

Oct 20, 2008
Joint Workshop Meeting

Meeting between the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission to discuss the potential for additional sidewalks and crosswalks within the Township.

Location: 4975 DeMoss Road
Time: 6:30 PM
Phone: 610-779-5660

Go BackExeter Township Calendar of Events



Berks County Residents Bike to Work
By Heather Tassmer; News Editor

Dealing with today's "tough" economy, people are always looking for a way to save a buck or two where they can. Gas prices were on everyone's minds this summer during the prime travel season.
But Keith Karlson, a street foreman for the Borough of Birdsboro, didn't have to worry about gas prices. Karlson bikes to work.
Karlson said he's been riding a bicycle to work for the past two years.
"I used to walk but now I bike," he said. "I work outdoors so I'm used to being outdoors."
Our very own Board member is part of this story:
Jeremy Slonaker, treasurer of the organization Walk Bike Berks and an employee at Baldwin Hardware, Reading, also rides his bike to work from Exeter Township about three days a week.
It's about a seven and a half mile ride and takes him about thirty minutes.
Slonaker said that he started biking to work in March 2008, Slonaker uses the Schuylkill River Trail for part of his trip.
He added that he's an experienced cyclist and has endured 30 degree weather before.
"You just have to wear the right clothing," he said.
Some people ride bikes to save money. Slonaker said his reason was so he could get exercise and spend more time with his family.
He said instead of coming home from work and going on a bicycle ride, he can get his exercise finished early and have more time with the family.
We're in the story too...
Walk Bike Berks
Walk Bike Berks is an organization committed to promoting walking and biking and encouraging lawmakers to make the roads safe for people to do so.
In May, WalkBikeBerks members teamed up with Baldwin Hardware to encourage people to bike to work.
Several people had a great experience biking to work, according to the organization's blog.

You can find the full article here: http://www.berksmontnews.com/WebApp/appmanager/JRC/Weekly?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pg_wk_article&r21.pgpath=%2FBMN%2FNews%2FThe+Southern+Berks+News&r21.content=%2FBMN%2FNews%2FThe+Southern+Berks+News%2FTopStoryList_Story_2467684

Monday, September 22, 2008


Nearly all things that make great biking and hiking in Berks County are done through hands-on volunteer efforts. When a tree falls across a trail, it's often a volunteer who gives up time and materials to remove the hazard. When new trails are opened, volunteers maintain it. When concerns are addressed, it's because volunteers work together to make things better.

WalkBikeBerks is comprised of people who simply love walking, hiking, biking, and enjoying our gorgeous county. We want to make biking and walking accessible and safe for everyone because we also want it safer and more accessible for ourselves. We are willing to give up time and resources -- our own funds -- because we think everyone should have the same opportunities we want for ourselves.

We also want to be sure that we are doing everything we can to make sure not one single new pedestrian or bicyclist is hurt or killed in our county. We want pedestrians and bicyclists to learn how to keep themselves safe when traveling our roadways and trails system as well help drivers become more aware and patient with other users of shared streets and intersections.

PennDOT has so many really excellent resources that are free and easy to access to help us all learn more -- to keep us all safe as we travel.

Check out this great resource: http://www.dot.state.pa.us/BIKE/WEB/index.htm.

Pennsylvania's Bicycle Driver's Manual: http://www.dot.state.pa.us/Internet/Bureaus/pdBikePed.nsf/infoAcknowledgements?OpenForm

WalkBikeBerks would very much like to be able to provide quantities of the PennDOT Bicycle Drivers Manual when we attend events such as International Walk to School Day on October 8. PennDOT provides the manuals for free upon request, but asks that we cover the cost of shipping. For just twelve dollars we can distribute a case of 200 manuals. Consider donating today so that we are able to order several cases to distribute to bicyclists and children throughout Berks County.

You can mail your contribution or pay online with PayPal. See the payment button to the right of this post.

Thanks so much for helping make a difference.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Our Sundae Sunday Ride was a resounding success. We packed Scoupe DeVille at about 3:30 on September 21 after a gorgeous ride on the Schuylkill River Trail from the Brentwood Trailhead.

In total, about 25 riders -- as young as one year old and, well, much older than that -- strapped on helmets and pedalled together on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon.

The question was asked: Will you be doing this every year?

The answer: God willing. With donations, volunteers, and advocacy hard at work, we'll not only be able to repeat this event, but make this Sundae Sunday ride "the thing to do!' If you love bicycling and want it to be accessible to everyone, join us now as we begin to set our goals and plan events for the new year. We'll meet this Saturday (and the last Sat. of every month) at the Holy Cross Church on 5th Street in Reading, PA.

If you are interested in helping us organize next year's weekly ride, call or write to us today. We'll be happy to have your help. If you represent a business who would like to participate, we also welcome your call. We can make your business one of the stops on our route next season -- and bring bicycling business to your front door! We do ask that you consider biking - and add bicycle parking and racks to attract our riders to you.

For a map of the trail we rode, visit: http://www.schuylkillriver.org/Resources/590/BRENTWOOD_TRAILHEAD_REV.pdf

Tonight: take a minute to write a little thank you note to Spokes Bike Shop owner Mike Myers for being so very generous in donating the great bicycle that was given away today. The website: http://spokesbikeshop.com/

Many thanks as well to the wonderful owners of Scoupe DeVille, Sandy and Doug Paris. They were extraordinary hosts of our weekly event. Their website: http://www.scoupedeville.com/1701.html.


If you need to find us, we'll be at the Brentwood Trailhead at 3:00 today. You can ride or walk with us to Scoupe De Ville where we'll share ice cream and draw a winning ticket -- for a brand new bicycle from Spokes Bike Shop.

If you need a map, check this out:


If you'd like specific driving directions, visit: http://www.schuylkillriver.org/DrivingDirections.aspx?id=590

If you bring a new friend to ride (or walk) with us today, I will personally buy you an ice cream treat from Scoupe De Ville.

See you there!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Spokes Bike Shop
Scoupe De Ville
have generously partnered with us this summer for
but sadly, the time has come to end this event.
We aren't going to let our Ride end without a BANG!
Meet us at the
Brentwood Trailhead at 3:00
on Sunday, September 21

for our Final Ride. We'll ride together along the trail towards Gibraltar where we'll park our bikes and our hiking shoes at Scoupe De Ville. We'll meet the media, take some photos, celebrate with ice cream, and
*Write to walkbikeberks for more details about how to enter to win!
Bike Drawing: 3:30 (tentatively)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Who's Walking in PA?

International Walk to School Day is now less than three weeks away. If you have not yet registered your local event, register today!

The list of participating schools in Pennsylvania is growing longer every day.
32 events happening in:
Mount Carmel
New Columbia
Ridley Park


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Trails and Other Things

I completed the Schuylkill River Trail count and survey today. It was a beautiful, hot summer day. There were folks out for a long run, a causal ride with a child, and others running errands to the store, etc. One trail user was actually in his car...but brought his family to see where he runs almost daily. They stopped to talk and share their comments about the trail and the work they are seeing all over Berks County.

My favorite responders were those coming/going to work! I love the commuters on the trails. The runners are fun to watch...but I didn't get to chat with many of them. They are so committed to keeping their stride and heart rate up that they didn't get a chance to tell me their opinions about how we are meeting their needs. So: If you're a runner who uses the trail system in Berks -- write to me to let us know what we can do to better serve you. Your input is important -- and we can't meet your needs without your voice in the process of advocacy.

Wonderfully, almost everyone I spoke to was happy to answer questions to help support our trails and to thank us -- advocates, organizations, and funders for making bicycling and walking so much better. They each were eager to share their ideas about how to make biking and walking better as well.

It was fun to see our own Emily Weidner coming back from a Girl Scout training today. She took a small group of Scouts on a ride today. It's always a pleasure to chat with Emily. She is so excited about the application for Bicycle Friendly City status through the League of American Bicyclists. She is so positive -- and determined to see the project through to completion.

We are likely to make good progress if my dreams come true. I am hoping that funding is available to place more bicycle racks in the city. A new member, David, shared some excellent resources: http://www.dero.com/custom_racks.html. Check out all of those designs...but as you are searching through the site, don't miss the Bike Bike Racks -- actual bicycles that serve as functional street art -- for bicycle parking. They can manage up to four bikes -- two on each wheel. Really lots of fun. Of course, a good online search for 'custom bike racks' gives lots of excellent, really neat designs.

PA Ranked 38th Most Bike-Friendly State

To see the League of American Bicyclists full list, visit: http://www.bikeleague.org/news/090508bfs.php

News From Pittsburgh:

By Karen Price
Friday, September 12, 2008

Scott Bricker knows that Pittsburgh has made great strides toward becoming a more bicycle-friendly community in his three years as executive director of advocacy group Bike Pittsburgh.
But he wasn't surprised to see that Pennsylvania was ranked the 38th-most bike-friendly state in the country by the League of American Bicyclists last week.
"That's not to say people aren't trying, but a much greater effort can be made," Bricker said. "I think that, especially on the part of our elected officials, it's one of those things that hasn't really been on the radar in Pennsylvania as a whole. It's time for Pennsylvania to look beyond bicycling as recreation and start investing money in making it a more reliable mode of transportation."

To Read the Full Article: http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/sports/s_587797.html

Friday, September 12, 2008


The folks at RiverPlace have created a create new map. Take a look: http://www.riverplacepa.com/riverwalk.htm.

You'll be so impressed with all of the exciting new things that are happening in the city for walking and biking. I know I am.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

An Example to Follow

The city of Seattle's DOT is collecting information from -- get this -- local residents (yep) to determine how they will modify their Pedestrian Master Plan. (Get that, they have a Pedestrian Master Plan created with the input of all stakeholders. Mmm?) See here: http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/ped_masterplan.htm

I am working to create a survey for Berks County -- and certainly think that individual local communities should also determine their own goals as they work to align with our Berks County Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan and our new (wonderful!) Greenway, Parks and Recreation Plan (see here: http://www.co.berks.pa.us/planning/cwp/view.asp?a=1635&Q=464110

The Berks County Planning Commission has created an excellent plan and also leads our county as a model for smaller, more local governments. They too sought public input to create a plan that was in the best interest of all parties. Attend local government meetings and ask for pedestrian and bicycle accommodations. Volunteer to create and serve on an advisory committee to help make the community where you live a place that promotes walkability and bicycling.

If you want to help in Exeter Township, we'd love to hear from you. If you need me in other parts of the county -- to attend meetings, give presentations, or to just answer questions on the phone, I'd love to help. But, remember, the most important thing is for you to speak up and out about what you need in your own neighborhood.

Traffic Safety Issues

Join township supervisors, planning commissioners,
school board/administrators, and guest speakers at
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety
October 20, 2008
6:30 - 8:30 PM
Exeter Township
4975 DeMoss Road
Reading, PA 19606
Please send all of your concerns and wish lists to WalkBikeBerks@yahoo.com so that we can add them to the discussion and planning at the joint workshop. Let us know what is most important to you. We are organized and working to create better walking and biking for you.

The 2009 Transportation Bill

Transportation for America, Thunderhead Alliance, Complete Streets Coalition, and Smart Growth America, Safe Routes to School, and many other organizations who work for better biking and walking are collaborating to influence the new 2009 Transportation Bill. You can join them by visiting: http://www.walkscore.com/transportation-bill.shtml.

Of course, WalkBikeBerks is a proud member of Thunderhead Alliance, the Complete Streets Coalition and Smart Growth Online. Every 'grassroots' member of our local organization is also a member of the larger, national organizations mentioned previously. We would love to be able to help you have better walking and biking. Let us know what we can do for you.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Contacting Rite Aid for Complete Streets

I Googled Rite Aid this morning and found that the company -- like so many other successful businesses today -- supports 'sustainability.' They are promoting environmental building and design as well as working to improve access to riteaid.com for blind and visually-impaired.

When Rite Aid comes to Berks County at the intersection of 422 and 47th Street in Exeter Township, let's be sure they are fully aware of our request for Complete Streets -- to accommodate even the most vulnerable of all road users. Let's be sure to ask the company to build a store that promotes, encourages, and models walkability and bikability for all communities. Let's write letters and make phone calls directly to the Board of Directors to ask that the new store be built in such as way that customers can walk and bike to their store -- keeping our streets safer, less congested, and slowing cars that do come and go through our neighborhood to shop at Rite Aid.

Here is the official community relations position of Rite Aid:
Community Relations
"Rite Aid store associates are very involved in helping in their hometowns. They volunteer to speak at local schools on poison prevention and the dangers of drug abuse, visit nursing homes to review prescriptions with residents, help at local food banks and participate in walks for other charitable causes.
Nationally, Rite Aid supports Children's Miracle Network (CMN). By selling $1 CMN balloons in our stores and hosting special event fundraisers, we have raised more than $23 million for 110 different children's hospitals since 1994.
The Rite Aid Foundation, whose mission is to help improve the lives of those who live and work in the communities where Rite Aid does business was established in 2001. Visit our Foundation page for information on applying for a grant from the Foundation."


Rite Aid Corporation
c/o Corporate Secretary
P.O. Box 3165
Harrisburg, PA 17105

Communications may also be sent to the following e-mail address: contacttheboard@riteaid.com.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Walkability for Residents Behind Proposed Rite-Aid

Rite Aid is looking to move from their current location in Exeter to another location near the intersection of Rte 422 and 47th St. They showed their proposed plans at the Sept 2nd Planning Commission meeting in Exeter. Of major concern to those supportive of pedestrian safety was the proposed "back" entrance/exit onto Oak Circle. This would be the entrance and exit of choice for those driving from the south via Gibralter/47th St and those exiting who wish to continue west on 422 and even those going east on 422 who feel the current proposed exit onto 422 is too risky. This would bring more traffic to pedestrians and residents living there
and those who would like to walk along Oak Parkway and 47th St where no sidewalks currently exist! Further, 47th St is also a school bus stop where children must stand next to a road with no sidewalks!
The proposed owners seem receptive to meeting the needs of the residents and pedestrians and installing sidewalks along the driveway to the proposed business and crosswalks in the parking lot. Let's make sure of this by emailing your concerns to the Exeter Township Planners and to PennDot for them to enforce the Strike Off letter that mandates new construction consider the needs of pedestrians! This would also mean establishing sidewalks along Oak Parkway as more traffic along this road would necessitate more safety measures. This also means including in the design speed bumps and other traffic calming measures!
Voice your concerns NOW so plans do not progress without addressing the needs of pedestrians.