Thursday, September 4, 2008

Walkability for Residents Behind Proposed Rite-Aid

Rite Aid is looking to move from their current location in Exeter to another location near the intersection of Rte 422 and 47th St. They showed their proposed plans at the Sept 2nd Planning Commission meeting in Exeter. Of major concern to those supportive of pedestrian safety was the proposed "back" entrance/exit onto Oak Circle. This would be the entrance and exit of choice for those driving from the south via Gibralter/47th St and those exiting who wish to continue west on 422 and even those going east on 422 who feel the current proposed exit onto 422 is too risky. This would bring more traffic to pedestrians and residents living there
and those who would like to walk along Oak Parkway and 47th St where no sidewalks currently exist! Further, 47th St is also a school bus stop where children must stand next to a road with no sidewalks!
The proposed owners seem receptive to meeting the needs of the residents and pedestrians and installing sidewalks along the driveway to the proposed business and crosswalks in the parking lot. Let's make sure of this by emailing your concerns to the Exeter Township Planners and to PennDot for them to enforce the Strike Off letter that mandates new construction consider the needs of pedestrians! This would also mean establishing sidewalks along Oak Parkway as more traffic along this road would necessitate more safety measures. This also means including in the design speed bumps and other traffic calming measures!
Voice your concerns NOW so plans do not progress without addressing the needs of pedestrians.

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