Saturday, November 1, 2008

Funding Walkways and Bikeways

There are excellent funding opportunities for building new walkways, bikeways, and greenways in Pennsylvania such as the Smart Transportation PA Community Transportation Initiative (PCTI) -- whew! Check it out here:

In addition to these specific funding opportunities, there are also FHWA and FTA Funds that may be used for bicycle and pedestrian activities: Notice that Safe Routes to School funds are one of many categories listed where sidewalks, trails, ADA accomodations, bike lanes or bridge accomodations can be funded.

So, when you ask for your local government to change policies and create Complete Streets, be sure to encourage them to seek any and all resources to build Complete Streets -- and know that 'grant' money is not the only way to pay for improvements.

Federal and state money is available to communities who prioritize pedestrian and bicycle access and safety.

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