Saturday, February 19, 2011

YOU can make walking and bicycling better in Berks!

It's simple. Sharing your story can change the lives of others in Berks County. Tell us about yourself. You decide what you do and do not want to share online -- but know that your story will encourage others to try biking or walking more often.

Over the coming months, WalkBikeBerks will be posting photos and stories of those who choose to walk or bike in Berks County. Answer the easy questions below, and make a better Berks County for all of us. Send your photo and email to with answers to the following questions:

  1. Tell us about your first bicycle. What did you love most about riding that bike? In a word, what did that bike mean to you?
  2. Tell us about the bike you own today. What do you love most about your bike -- and your bike ride?
  3. Did you walk or ride your bike to school as a child? If yes, take a moment to describe your walk or bike ride to school.
  4. What in a word, what do you miss about those moments?
  5. Do your children / grandchildren walk or bike to school now? Why or why not?
  6. If you could change anything about your bike route -- what would you change and why?
  7. Will you consider joining us in October for Walk (Bike or Roll) to School Day in Berks County?
  8. And again in May for Bike Month?

Thank you for helping more people walk and bike safely in Berks County.

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